The art of the story
„Softly bedded“

The story of
Dennis Gibbisch
Dennis has to laugh at himself, “I didn’t know how the cord rewind worked from the vacuum cleaner. It’s been so long since I vacuumed.” After the first few nights in his new shared apartment, the 46-year-old can now take care of the housework. Plus, he got a good night’s sleep. “That felt good.”
Dennis actually looks refreshed, as if after a vacation. The delicate man has even got himself a new hairstyle: The long top hair and the shaved sides suit him well.
Dennis came to Hinz&Kunzt back in 1996. He was in his early 20s at the time and was a drug addict. His mother died when he was 14 years old. He had to bear the brunt of it. “I took the drugs to forget,” he says. For a long time, Dennis lived on the street, even after he decided to take a substitution. Often, he looked run down. Now he finds, “I hit the jackpot.” In his new home, the Hinz&Künztler is also happy with some everyday helpers that make life easier. “We have a dishwasher, which is so cool, I would never have expected that in my life.”
For him, a life in the community is ideal. ” Being alone makes me feel cooped in – I’d go crazy.” He is excited about living with others. “Compromises will have to be made.” But it will work out, he is sure: “We are a family.”