The art of the story
„A Bright Future“

The story of
Janina Marach
Janina is interested to know whether I know the TLC TV channel. It’s one of her favorite shows: “Diagnosis: Messie”. The docu-soap reports on people who can’t throw anything away and whose apartments gradually become cluttered. “I like watching that. But it’s a shock how some people live,” says Janina, shaking her head in disbelief. Janina, on the other hand, sees it this way: “Cleaning has to be done, that’s logical.”
The 61-year-old worked for a cleaning company for many years, cleaning hospitals, university buildings, doctors’ offices, and offices. Since mid-March, she has been making sure the Hinz&Kunzt house in St. Georg is clean. She now works 20 hours a week and is very happy about her new part-time job. However, she is not excited: “Cleaning is nothing new for me,” she says.
The mother of three grown-up children, who was born in the Polish town of Chojnice, has also known Hinz&Kunzt for a while now: Janina started working as a saleswoman twelve years ago. For a long time, her regular place was Lidl on Hamburger Straße. A Polish acquaintance had put her in touch with her. At the time, Janina had just lost her job at a church in St. Pauli. Back then, she was still living in Haus Bethlehem, an emergency shelter mainly for women. She ate there or at CaFée mit Herz.
She had come to Hamburg after the separation from her husband. Here she had good connections and saw a chance for a new beginning. What Janina did not know at the time:
She would also find a new love in Hamburg. Like so many other people, it sparked at work. “My second husband approached me when I was selling Hinz&Kunzt,” Janina says. He lived alone and needed help around the house, he said. Could she maybe support him from time to time? “That was a little trick to get to know me,” Janina says and smiles. Because she found him amiable, they exchanged phone numbers. “After all, he was a neighbor and lived very close by.” They have now been happily together for eleven years.
Janina sold Hinz&Kunzt on Hamburger Straße. Now she cleans in the Hinz&Kunzt house.
Mora about Janina:
Text: Simone Deckner
Foto: Andreas Hornoff